Œ U V R E S O R I G I N A L E S - É D I T I O N S L I M I T É E S
p o u r c o l l e c t i o n n e u r s e t g a l e r i e s
Œ u v r e s o r i g i n a l e s d e N i n a S m i d e k d e l a p l u s h a u t e q u a l i t é m u s é e a l e
d i s p o n i b l e s à l a v e n t e , e n s é r i e s l i m i t é e s
Impressions exclusives aux encres pigmentaires sur papier japonais luxueux fait à la main - w a s h i -
PH neutre, en fibre de mûrier de la région de Tokushima, connu pour sa durabilité et son aspect délicatement texturé,
il confère aux couleurs de l'intensité et de la force
O R I G I N A L W O R K S - L I M I T E D E D I T I O N S
f o r c o l l e c t o r s & g a l l e r i e s
Original works by Nina Smidek available for sale, in limited series
d e p lu s h aute s _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_q ualit é m us é eale
Exclusive pigment ink prints on luxurious Japanese paper - washi -
PH neutral, made from mulberry fiber from the Tokushima region, known for its durability and delicately textured appearance,
it gives colors intensity and strength
In addition, the works are laminated on D ibond
(assembly of two aluminum plates surrounding a black polyethylene plate, giving it great strength with a remarkable stiffness/weight ratio).
Dibond is the favorite collage medium of art galleries thanks to its lightweight and very resistant design.
The works are thus ready to be hung (with a hook on the back, adapted to the weight of the work) and do not require framing.
Each copy is accompanied by its certificate of authenticity with the hologram of the work,
thus providing you with proof that you have acquired the original.
Archival prints with pigment inks
Editions limited to 30 copies of all sizes
Numbered and signed by the artist with certificate of authenticity
100% PH neutral mulberry fiber
Weight 110g
Price upon request
Prints are shipped unframed. For framing services, please email us to enquire.
The artist reserves the right to produce up to two Artist Proofs for each artwork in addition to the edition sizes listed.
Chaque exemplaire est accompagné de son certificat d'authenticité avec l'hologramme de l'œuvre,
vous fournissant ainsi la preuve, que vous avez acquis l'original.
Tirages archivairs aux encres pigmentaires
Éditions limitées à 16 exemplaires toutes tailles confondues
L'artiste se réserve le droit jusqu'à trois épreuves d'artiste en addition aux formats cités
Numérotés et signées par l'artiste avec certificat d'authenticité
100 % fibre de mûrier PH neutre
Poids 110 g
Prix : sur demande
Petit ≈ 60 x 40 cm / 32" x 24" - Édition limitée de 7
Moyen ≈ 80 x 60 cm /56" x 42" - Édition limitée de 5
Grand ≈ 100 x 80 /39" x 31" - Édition limitée de 3
Unique en son genre 1/1 ≈ 120 x 100 / 47" x 39"
P O U R C H A Q U E S A I S O N - S E S Œ U V R E S
offre valable jusqu'au 30 mars